Black in the forest
Chilled in snow and frost
A rose of crimson red
Whispering an evil breath
For the accumulation of iniquity and desire
Heads of demons hang
Choking on its final breath
Until death

Elegies written in a time of despair
After the sun sets
Darkness descends
Lightly and unhurried
A soft hand upon the gravestone inscribes
Waiting quietly for death
With a heart of destitution
Dreams end

Snowflakes fall in tranquility
Eyes of pale grey close for eternity
A sigh of regret
Woven into a poem of extreme beauty
Before death
Pale are the lips that softly recite the words of lament
A glittering star from the night sky descend

Petals of blood fall and scatter
Frost congeals into thorns of ice
Shredding sanctity and mental simplicity
A song of death dances through the abyss
Upon this land of chill
The depraved fall
Like in eternal sleep they hibernate
Until the frost dissolves

For a hundred days the snake lay in dream
In a flash ablaze
It awakes
Feeling cold blood biting on its bones
Venom filling its fangs
Remnant images of a thousand years of damnation
Filling its heart with terror
Hatred in its contemplation

The legacy of our ancestral spirits
Granted by that sweet fruit
The Snake Corpse battles
Only to retreat in defeat
Glaciated by a thousand years of damnation
It lays in hibernation

A kiss of virulence
Upon the rose of crimson red
Contaminated by tears of black
Its grotesque petals corrode and forever fade
The silver moon reflected upon the death lake

From a hundred days of dream it awakes
Bearing thorns of sin
The Snake Lord returns to the holy place
Summoning its bloodthirsty memory
And its slaughtering destiny
Its hair of ebony extends
Feeding upon hatred and impiety
With fresh blood
Signing a soul selling deed
Locked in chains for a thousand winters
Ever remembering the Snake God’s decree
That warfare shall forever be

A blizzard howls in repent
Urging the rose into an elegiac death
Gradually awakening
Recovering memory from a hundred days of sleep

Our tribe gathered in assembly
Reawakening our bloodstained destiny
The bloody crusade shall finally rise
The sound of slaughtering penetrates the sky
Cracking the earthly terrestrial
Into the Evil Adversary
The Snake Corpse transforms
Leading ten thousand infernal infantries
The blood lusting scythe slices through the sky
Through the gloomy planetary

Evoking my tribal affinity
Of thorns and bloodshed we share the destiny
Leading a troop of evil spirits
Raising a war of a thousand centuries
A command of steel and chains
Preparing for the sacrifice of the coming of the End
Without trepidation
The Evil Adversary descends
After nightfall
Bloodshed rebefalls


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